
Green Smoothie Recipes

If you read my blog about green smoothies, you know that the possibilities are endless when it comes to making smoothies.  I always use organic produce, except for fruit that needs to be peeled before eating, like bananas.   Most smoothies make enough for 2 glasses and can be left in the fridge for up to 12 hours.  I have found that smoothies containing kale tend to get a bit gelatinous when left in the fridge so those are best enjoyed immediately after blending.  It is always best to blend the water and fruit first and then add the greens and anything else you are adding to your smoothie that day.

The best blender to use for making green smoothies is a high powered blender like Vita-mix or Blendtec, and although they are an investment, they are well worth it.  A standard blender will work just fine as long as it is powerful enough to grind up the veggies and fruit so that you are not left with chunks.  I have been using a regular blender for years, and although I've had to replace a few blades, it has served me well. 

Some other helpful smoothie tips: 

- Of all the greens used to make smoothies, spinach has the mildest flavor, and therefore is the easiest to disguise.  Greens like beet tops, carrot tops and wheatgrass have strong flavors and will not be hidden as easily.

- Be aware if you are adding blueberries to your smoothies, they will NOT be green.  Smoothies with blueberries added can turn a variety of colors, including purple, red and even brown!  Kids may be turned off by these colors, so you can use a dark colored glass if this bothers your kids.

- Kids (and husbands!) often like the addition of yogurt (try vanilla) to their smoothies.  Yogurt adds a creaminess and sweetness that can make green smoothies more palatable for picky tastebuds.  Not to mention, it adds healthful probiotics, calcium, and protein!

- The thickness and consistency of your smoothie will greatly depend on the type of fruit you are using, and if the fruit is fresh or frozen.  The measurements of water in these recipes should be used as a guideline, and not set in stone.  When it comes to water, remember you can always add, but you can't take away.  Start with 1/4 c and add more until your smoothie reaches the desired consistency.

The Powerhouse
1 apple
1 banana*
1 pear
1/4 c wild blueberries, frozen
1 orange
5 strawberries
2 c spinach
1 T ground flax seed
1 oz wheatgrass
1/2 c water

* I like to slice and freeze my bananas in Ziploc bags.  Adding frozen fruit helps to thicken the smoothie and makes it cold, which my family likes.

Just like Jamba ( at least that's what my 2 year old claims!)
1 banana, fresh or frozen
6 strawberries
1/2 c wild blueberries, frozen
1/2 mango, or 6 pieces frozen mango
1 orange
1/2 an apple
1 kiwi
5 kale leaves- (we've also done a combination of kale and spinach in this smoothie)
1 T ground flax seed
1/2 c water

Starter Smoothie                                                   Starter Kale Smoothie
5-6 kumquats                                                               1 banana, fresh or frozen
1 banana, fresh or frozen                                           5 strawberries
1 pear                                                                             5 pieces frozen mango
6 strawberries                                                            1/4 c wild blueberries, frozen
2 c spinach                                                                   1/2 orange
1/2 c water                                                                  4-5 kale leaves
                                                                                        1/2 c water
Banana- Kale Smoothie
1 banana, fresh or frozen
5 kale leaves
5 pieces frozen mango
1/2 c water

Spinach- Pear  
1 pear
6 strawberries
2 c spinach
1/4 c water

Green Machine Soup
1 cucumber
1 celery stalk
2 kale leaves or a handful of spinach
1 avocado
1 tomato
2 T cilantro
1/4 c chopped red bell pepper

Spinach- Melon
2 c spinach
1/2 watermelon
6 strawberries
1 c red grapes

* I don't add water to this one because of the high water content in the watermelon.  If you find it to be too thick, add water as necessary.

Kale-Berry- Grape
5 kale leaves
2 oranges
6 strawberries
1 c of grapes

1/2 c water

3-5 kale leaves
1 pint strawberries
2  peaches
1 c water                                                                 

2 apples
5 kale leaves

6 pieces frozen mango
1/2 c water

3  pears
5 kale leaves

½ bunch of mint
2 c water

1 c strawberries
2 bananas, fresh or frozen
½ bunch romaine
2 c water

Dandelion Greens
1 bunch red dandelion greens
6 strawberries
1 mango
1 banana
1/2 c water

Sweet Greens

1 c green grapes
1  orange, peeled
1/2  pear
1  banana, fresh or frozen
4-5 kale leaves
1/2 c water

Lettuce eat smoothies
2 bananas, fresh or frozen
3 oranges, peeled

1 head romaine lettuce
1 c water

Tropical Beet Smoothie
1 orange, peeled

1 banana, fresh or frozen
1/2 c wild blueberries, frozen

1 c frozen beet tops
1 c water

Beet- spinach
2 bananas
1 c wild blueberries, frozen

1/2 c pineapple
1 c frozen beet tops
2 c spinach
1 1/2 c water

Romaine- Melon- Berry
1 head romaine lettuce
1/2 small cantaloupe
6 strawberries

 Blueberry Kale Smoothie
1  banana, fresh or frozen
2-4 kale leaves
1 c wild blueberries, frozen

1 c water

Island Kale Smoothie
1 banana, fresh or frozen
8 kale leaves
1 c pineapple

3 dates, pitted
1 c frozen mango

1 1/2 c water

Tropical Breeze
1 mango
1 banana, fresh or frozen
1 c pineapple
2 c spinach 
1/2 c water

Purple Tropics
1 banana, fresh or frozen
2-4 kale leaves
1/2 c wild blueberries, frozen

3/4 c pineapple
1 c water

Purple Kale Smoothie
1  banana, fresh or frozen
3-4 large kale leaves
1/4 red beet

1 c wild blueberries, frozen
1 c water

Peachy Kale Smoothie
1 banana, fresh or frozen
8 kale leaves
2 dates, pitted
3/4 c pineapple
1/2 c strawberries, frozen
3/4 c peaches
1 c water


1 peach
1 banana, fresh or frozen
1 c wild blueberries, frozen
1 c frozen beet tops
1 1/2 c water

Kitchen Sink
8 pieces cantaloupe
6 strawberries
1 apple
1 pear
1/4 c wild blueberries, frozen
2 c spinach
1 oz wheatgrass juice
1 T ground flax seed

Green Apple
3 c dandelion greens
2 apples
1 mango
1 peach

Orange Dream
8 pieces frozen mango
2 oranges
2 c spinach
1 c water

Starter Kale Smoothie
2 bananas, frozen
1 apple
1 pear
3-4 kale leaves
1/2 c water

Banana- Kiwi
1 banana, fresh or frozen
2 kiwis
1 c spinach
1/2 c water

1 c dandelion greens
1 fresh pineapple
small handful of mint

2 pears
2 slices of ginger
handful of parsley

Kiwi- Melon
3-4 kale leaves
2 kiwis
7-8 chunks of cantaloupe

Green Dream
2 kiwis
1 banana, fresh or frozen
2 c spinach
1/2 c water

Almost like Dessert
1 banana, fresh or frozen
2 dates, pitted
1 apple
1 pear
1/2 c fresh orange juice
1 c spinach