
Friday, May 24, 2013

Paleo Banana Pancakes


Grain/Gluten/Sugar/Dairy free


Let's face it, mornings are hectic.  Rushed.  Downright crazy.  It can be difficult impossible to get a nutritious, home cooked breakfast on the table all while trying to wrestle the kids into their clothes and hurry them out the door to school.  And who really wants to prepare a breakfast that requires dirtying a bunch of dishes or takes a lot of time to prepare on these frenzied mornings anyways?  Enter these grain free banana pancakes to save the day.  These might be the easiest, quickest pancakes ever in the history of pancakes.

I love these not only for the ease of preparation, but also for their nutritional content.  They are gluten/grain/dairy/sugar free, and Paleo approved.  I can polish off a plate of these puppies and not have the slightest "heavy" feeling that is usually associated with stuffing oneself with pancakes. These pancakes are delicious, surprisingly fluffy, and you only have to dirty one bowl to make them.  If you're new to Paleo, or grain free cooking, you may think it's impossible to recreate the pancake without using traditional flour.  In all fairness, I must confess I haven't had a "regular" pancake in over 18 months so it's hard for me to compare these to conventional ones.   I will however put my neck on the line and claim that they rival traditional pancakes in both flavor and texture.  My boys, ages 5 and 1, both devour these and that's validation enough for me!

Enough chatter, gather your ingredients and whip up a batch of these beauties!

Paleo Banana Pancakes

1 ripe banana
2 pastured eggs
2-5 Tbsp coconut flour*
1 t vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
optional: pinch cinnamon (I always add this, we love cinnamon in this house!)
coconut oil, ghee, or grass fed butter

Mash banana in medium bowl.  Add eggs, vanilla, baking soda and cinnamon if adding.  Whisk until combined.  Add coconut flour, starting with 2 T.  Let batter sit for a few minutes, and if the thickness isn't to your liking, add additional tablespoons of coconut flour. 

Heat griddle pan over low heat with coconut oil, ghee, or grass fed butter. Pour batter onto hot pan using a scant 1/4 measuring cup.  Grain free pancakes can be difficult to flip, making them dollar size ensures that you can flip them without destroying them!

*Coconut flour absorbs a great deal of moisture, so it is always necessary to let the batter sit for a few minutes, say 3-5, to determine if you need to add more to reach desired thickness.  I usually end up adding anywhere from 3-5 Tbsp in mine!

Serve with more grass fed butter and any other accompaniments you see fit.  We love raw honey, maple syrup, or fresh strawberries.

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