
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Breakfast Burritos

I am a very lucky woman.  My husband works extremely hard so that I am able to stay home with our son.  He has to get up at 4:45 in the morning and isn't home until after 6:00.  Not only does he work hard and long hours, but he has to commute on top of it.  Grateful and appreciative don't begin to describe how much I respect and admire the lengths he goes to to provide for our family.  That being said, as much as I appreciate and love him, I am NOT up at 4:45 preparing him a hot, nutritious meal to eat before he starts his day.  Not that I don't want to, it's just, well, that's a little early for me to play super wife.  That left me with a dilemma.  I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which is why I never fail to make my son and I a homemade, healthy meal every single morning.  Here we are enjoying hot steel cut oatmeal, omelets, pancakes, and green smoothies while hubby is left with a banana. 

For all that he does for us, didn't he deserve a little more to start his day?  I thought so and so I started experimenting.  He loves breakfast burritos, but I wasn't about to buy him some fat laden, preservative filled frozen ones.  And so began the quest to make the perfect breakfast burrito.  It had to be healthy, portable, and quick for him to heat in the morning.  I was a little worried about how the eggs and filling would hold up after being frozen and then microwaved but hubby says they are delicious!!

Breakfast Burritos

1 package bulk chicken, turkey, or pork breakfast sausage
10 eggs ( I use 7 eggs and 3 egg whites)
2 C breakfast potatoes ( I have made my own and used Ore Ida O'brien frozen potatoes- both are great, just depends on how much time I have and how motivated I am feeling...)
shredded cheese ( I use cheddar and pepperjack)
Sriracha hot sauce  ( or your favorite)
burrito size tortillas, flour or whole wheat

Cook sausage on medium-high until no longer pink and cooked through.

Scramble eggs in a large bowl, add salt and pepper and as much Sriracha as you like- I use about 3 T.  Cook until desired doneness is achieved.

In another pan, cook breakfast potatoes until golden and crispy.  If making your own, add bell peppers and onions.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.

While potatoes are cooking, shred cheeses.  Set aside.

Combine sausage, eggs, and potatoes together in large bowl.  Allow to cool completely in the fridge before assembling burritos.

Start with one tortilla at a time.  Add about 1/3 c sausage filling in lower half of tortilla.  Add 1 T salsa and top with cheese.  Fold burrito style and continue making burritos until you are done.  I can usually get 12-16 burritos from these ingredients.

Freeze burritos on a cookie sheet or plates until frozen.  Then individually wrap in foil and place in Ziploc bags. 

When ready to eat, remove foil and place a damp paper towel over burrito.  Hubby says they are perfectly cooked at 2 min on high in the microwave , but it may vary.

Wrap bottom half back in foil and enjoy!!!!

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