
Friday, October 7, 2011

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Waffles

I derive lots of pleasure from making my family a wholesome breakfast.  This is the time of year I really start cranking out the pancakes and waffles.  Being the holiday obsessed woman that I am, my meals have to include a little seasonal flair from time to time.  On today's menu?  Pumpkin waffles.  Wholesome, nutritious, festive, and delicious, plus they make the whole kitchen smell like pumpkin pie!   You can make a batch of these on the weekend, and you'll have plenty of waffles to freeze and pop in the toaster for a quick morning meal.   The leftovers can be used to make a quick, nutritious lunch as well.  Just toast and let cool slightly, then spread with cream cheese and cut into little sandwiches.  Jayden loves when we get to have waffles for lunch!

Whenever breakfast includes a veggie, I get a little excited.  Pathetic, right?  Excitement over a serving of vegetables?  Hey, when you're a mom, you get where you can.  Since we have a green smoothie every morning, this means my son is getting TWO servings of veggies first thing in the morning.  That's pretty good for a three year old, most adults I know don't get that in a day!!  Seeing that fall has finally arrived,  I have a ton of canned pumpkin puree in the pantry.  I like to stock up on it at Trader Joe's while they have it.  It is one of those seasonal items that can go a long way in the kitchen.  We mix it in our oatmeal, add it to cookie recipes, and of course, make pumpkin waffles!

* Time saver tip:  Sift together the dry ingredients the night before, that way in the morning all you have to do is add the wet ingredients and start pumping out the pumpkin waffles!  You'll have breakfast on the table in 10 minutes!

Whole Wheat Pumpkin Waffles

1 c unbleached, all purpose flour
1 1/2 c whole wheat flour
2 1/2 t Baking Powder
1 t Baking Soda
1/2 t Salt
2 t Ground Cinnamon
1/4 t Ground Ginger

1/4 c brown sugar
4 Eggs
1 C Milk 

1 Cup Buttermilk
1 C Pumpkin Puree
 5 T Butter, melted and cooled

 Preheat waffle iron.

Sift first 7 ingredients into a bowl.

Whisk in brown sugar into rest of dry ingredients.

 In a separate bowl whisk the remaining ingredients.

Whisk the dry ingredients into the liquid mixture and whisk until smooth.

Pour about 1/2 cup of the pumpkin batter into a waffle iron that’s been buttered or     greased and cook according to manufacturer’s directions.

  Serve with maple syrup or dust with powdered sugar.

*Allow to cool, place in a Ziploc bag, label and freeze. When ready, place in toaster or oven at 300 and heat for 10 minutes or until heated through.

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